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7 Tips for Mastering the F Bar Chord

Writer's picture: Nate SavageNate Savage

Hey fam,

If you’ve been playing the guitar for a while, you know how frustrating learning the F bar chord can be. If you can’t play it, how can you learn all the songs you want to play?

We’ve got 7 tips to help you master the F bar chord. Give the video on this page a watch for all of the details. There is a pdf with the 7 tips for you to download. The Clean Bar Checklist from the Bar Chord Masterclass is even included for good measure. 

7 Tips for Mastering the F Major Bar Chord

1 Start incrementally. - Start with the 3-note F major chord, then move to the 4-note version before tackling the full F major bar chord. 

2 Work on the bar by itself first. 

Clean Bar Checklist (This is included in the Bar chord Masterclass course on the site.)

  • 1 - Get your guitar setup if you haven’t already done so. 

  • 2 - Work on creating the bar on its own before even trying to make the full bar chord shape. 

  • 3 - Put the bar on using a clamp-like motion between your thumb and 1st finger. 

  • 4 - Place your bar right behind the fret. 

  • 5 - Experiment with the vertical placement of your finger to minimize the muting sound of your finger creases on the strings. 

  • 6 - Tilt/lean your bar back on the bony edge of your finger instead of using the meaty/flat underside of your finger. 

  • 7 - Don’t kink your wrist too far one way or the other. 8- Don’t raise your elbow. Let your arm fall by the side of your body.

3 Make your open E major chord shape with your 2nd, 3rd and 4th fingers.

4 Put the bar and the shape together. 

5 Land the chord all at once. 

6 Be consistent with your practice.

7 Practice multiple times per day if possible. 

If you are serious about overcoming bar chords, we’ve come up with three easy steps to ensure your success. 

Step 1 - Create your complimentary Guitar Fam account to start going through the Bar Chord Masterclass today. If you are already a Guitar Fam member, you can just make your way over to the course. 

Step 2 - Practice Practice Practice!

Step 3 - Schedule your first private complimentary 1-on-1 lesson with me so I can give you some feedback and iron our a plan for your success over the next few months. 

We’re looking forward to hearing about your success with the F bar chord. If you know someone who is struggling with bar chords, share this with them. 

Thanks for watching, Nate



Mar 19, 2024

Glad I'm not the only one who is struggling with this chord. Sounded like Nate was talking directly to me during one of our sessions :) Getting better incrementally!!

Nate Savage
Nate Savage
Mar 20, 2024
Replying to

I got the idea for this video from one of my other students Danny. So many guitarists struggle with this. Better is great.

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