An online course to demystify music theory once and for all.
Music theory can feel very complicated and intimidating when you are first starting. Applying it to music in a practical way can be even more challenging. It’s such a broad topic that you might not even know where to start.
We're here to help you:
Understand music better to learn the songs you love faster.

Create your premium account to access the full course today.
Maybe you've had thoughts like these:
"Figuring out songs on your own is a mystery that only the super-educated can unlock."
"I feel like I’m stumbling around half blind when playing with other people."
"It’s taking me way too long to learn songs."
"I feel like I’m wasting time going down rabbit holes instead of learning things that will actually move me forward."

I know how it feels...
"I remember how my first day of music theory class in college felt. I thought I knew a bit about theory, but I was wrong. I had what felt like an overwhelming mountain of information to learn. But once it clicked, I was able to tell what key songs are in, know what chords sound great together and even jam with other people.
In this course I will help you narrow it all down to the most critical elements. We will focus on applying them in a practical way so you can figure out your favorite songs faster."
Nate Savage
Guitar Fam Co-Founder

Tell what keys songs are in.
Know what chords sound good together.
Figure out songs faster.
Play along with new songs right away using open chords and bar chords.
Jam with other people on the spot.
Build major scales, major keys, major chords, and minor chords.

The Alternative?
Continue being frustrated and intimidated by music theory. You may be tempted to avoid the topic and miss out on the incredible insights that it can unlock.
Take longer to figure out songs than necessary and feel like you are stumbling around half-blind in the process.

15 video lessons with clear explanations of key music theory concepts
An accompanying ebook to follow along
Access to our entire premium guitar course library
Personalized support via email and our forum
A supportive community to answer your questions and cheer you on
✔️ Building major keys
✔️ Constructing major scales
✔️ Discovering what chords sound good together
✔️ Understanding the cycle of 4ths/5ths
✔️ Making major, minor and diminished chords
✔️ Using the number system to play songs in any major key
✔️ Using bar chords with the number system to play the songs you love fast
... and more
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The Guitar Fam 3-Step Process
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Get immediate access to the video lessons and ebook for the Music Theory Guidebook.
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video for review.
Membership Options
Create your premium monthly or annual account to access the full course, including all videos and the accompanying ebook. There is even a 90-day money back guarantee, so there is no risk.